Friday, April 22, 2011

From the Virgin Womb to the Virgin Tomb

From the virgin womb to the virgin tomb, we see the Spirit bringing forth life. The womb symbolizes the beginning, and the tomb symbolizes the end. In Rev 22:13 Jesus declares himself to be the "Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end".

This Easter you can make him the beginning of your dead new year resolutions, and the end of your old life of hopelessness, futility, and "foolishness" clothed in "coolness".

The power of the virgin birth was the Spirit, and the power of the resurrection was the Spirit. The same Spirit is available for you. Have a blessed commemoration of the crucifixion and the resurrection of YOU!

Yes, YOU!! YOU have "died with Christ" (Col.2:20); AND "YOU have been raised with Christ" (Col.3:1). The celebrations this weekend include YOU! How much more should you be celebrating? May you now say: "Now I see!"